Wednesday, 10 June 2015

New Trends in Belly Button Rings, Septum Ring and Other Septum Ring Jewelry

Belly Button (navel) Piercing 

For navel piercings, 14 gauges (1.6 mm) are generally considered as the normal size. Naval rings are generally made in sizes of 14 gauges. It is not recommended to pierce the navel with either larger or smaller gauge as you may not be able to fill the piercing with the correct belly button ring sizes.

When it comes to the length of the piercing, it will depend on the size of the person being pierced. The length belly button ring sizes are either 3/8" (9 - 10mm) or 7/16" (11mm) as most belly rings come in these sizes. Belly-button/ navel: Usual gauge is 14ga. Popular lengths are 3/8" or even 7/16".

Designer belly rings

The belly rings can be really cute, chic, and carry a fashion statement. The wearer has the liberty to customize it according to his or her preferences, personality and image. Designer belly rings are gaining more popularity as the accessory of the current generation. These types of belly rings are emerging as better options for tattoos as body art. One advantage of Belly rings is that it won’t leave any permanent mark on the body. The body jewelry can be removed or changed as per your need. Designer belly rings are available in various kinds of metals like gold, sterling silver, stainless steel, titanium, cubic zironcia etc.

Septum ring tumblr

Several kinds and varieties are available in them and you can opt for Indian nose ring tumblr. Popular varieties used by women are rings, U-bend and septum ring tumblr. Each of this kind is then available in several attractive designs and styles. However, it is not just the kinds in them, but piercing is also done in several ways like nostril, septum, bridge, high nostril, vertical nose tip and others. A maximum of them usually opt for nostril piercing and this is also recommended for those who are trying it out the first time. Men also wear septum ring tumblr to present a special look.

Septum ring jewelry

The main purpose of the fishtail nose ring is to create a kind of ring that can be made custom fit for your nose. This 19mm bar may not fit as such and you need to take the help of a piercer. The piercer will take the measurements of your nose, and will then bend the fishtail bar to fit your nostril based on the measurements taken. This bar can be shaped in the form of a screw or an L-shape, as per your preference. Several kinds and varieties are available in unique septum jewelry and you can opt for Indian nose ring of your preference.
of the belly rings ranges from 5/16" (8mm) up to 5/8" (16mm). The most suitable

Trendy Designs Offered In Indian Gold Nose Ring and Tragus Studs and Tragus Jewelry Hoops

Indian gold nose ring is a trendy ornament you will find these days in every modern woman's box of jewelry. Unlike other jewelry, these are tiny and cute and once they are put on, they bear an appreciable influence on your style and appearance. Some of the kinds you will notice are rings, studs, screws, spikes, U-bend and others. Indian gold nose ring of this kind is then available in several attractive designs and patterns. It is not just the types of ornaments, but piercing is also done in several ways like nostril, septum, bridge, high nostril, vertical nose tip and others. A maximum of them usually opt for nostril piercing and this is also recommended for those who are trying it out the first time.

Gold is not only valuable but popular as well among a maximum of jewelry lovers in the world. This is even considered as a traditional metal in India and chosen for grand occasions like engagement, wedding and other important celebrations.

Tiny tragus studs

Many women are afraid of tragus piercing, because it's a pretty thick piece of cartilage.

The tragus is that nub of cartilage sticking up at the entrance to your ear, just at the entrance to the ear canal. It can be quite big in some people and very small in others, but generally takes short barbells about 6 - 8 mm long. Some people are saying that the piercings are painful experience but some others have felt it as an usual procedures. It all depends upon the physique and mental tolerance of the individual who is getting pierced. The tragus piercing can be better than any other part of your body. In fact, the tragus has fewer nerve endings than most other areas of your body you can have piercings.

Most come in the form of hoops, tiny tragus studs and rings and you also have a range of tragus bars and barbells than can be decorated in a number of ways, including string decorations dangling down from them. There are some very cool and trendy designs of tiny tragus studs that should fit your personality and if you can't find anything that suits your style, you can always hang something from a tragus bar.

Tragus jewelry hoops

Earrings may be classified, based exclusively on their design into tragus jewelry hoops, earrings, magnetic earrings, clip-on, spikes, screws and ear cuffs. In order to wear earrings, a ear piercing is a must .Hence , people all around the universe have devised various methods like piercing guns, medically safe piercing methods and homemade procedures that involves simple tools such as needle, alcohol and self-piercers. Homemade procedures have lost their importance as the newer and faster-healing methods of piercing have been identified and practiced overwhelmingly among the women. Over and above, it has been reported that earrings and tragus jewelry hoops are not just restricted to fashion alone, they are also ornaments for health benefits. The lobe is said to be an acupuncture area and hence, piercing is meant to give therapeutic effects to the body leading to better health benefits.

For more info, please visit here:

Friday, 5 June 2015

Innovative and Modern Designs Available In Fake Gauge Earrings and Unique Septum Jewelry

Fake gauge earrings

There is no need to have a gauged ear to wear the fake gauge earrings; all you need is simple pierced ears. These kinds of earrings are traditionally worn as a piece and not as a pair. Sometimes religious and social sentiments have affected the use of ear-rings among women, as this accessory was associated with vanity, excess and heathens, at some points in history. In the modern era of internet, women have the option of acquiring the latest and most exotic ear-rings from any part of the world.

Unique septum jewelry

Septum rings - Septum rings are the trendy ornaments you will find these days in every modern woman's box of unique septum jewelry. These are tiny and cute and once they are put on, they give a great touch of fashion and style to your appearance. Some of the kinds you will notice are rings, studs, screws, spikes, U-bend and others. Each of this kind is then available in several attractive designs and styles. However, it is not just the kinds in them, but piercing is also done in several ways like nostril, septum, bridge, high nostril, vertical nose tip and others.

Fake Septum Jewelry - Whether you are looking for crystal body jewelry, tongue piercing jewelry, eyebrow micro banana or fake expanders or expander tapers or any other, you should certainly make sure that the fake septum jewelry has satisfied proper wearable aspects. For example, the ring diameter should be measured on the inside. On the other hand, the barbell length must be measured between the balls. You must also inspect your own jewelry thereby making sure that the finish is smooth. Select the millimeter size or the proper gauge. Purchase the internal threads especially if your piercing gets aggravated quite easily. The internally threaded jewelry is of best quality than that of the externally threaded jewelry. The internal threads are all hollow ended and the screw parts are on ends.

Tribal septum jewelry

•    Starting with the most attractive and popular style - the barbell. It is the most standard and easy to wear piercing. It is held in place with the screws at the ends. Tribal septum jewelry is available in various lengths and shapes it provides an easy go factor for the piercer.

•    Captive bead rings - the other most popular type which with a hoop and ball in it goes well with eyebrows, lips, oral, nose and various types of genital piercings. The jewelry is held in place with the pressure on both ends of the ring.

•    Plugs are intended to accommodate larger size of jewelry held in place with double flared, single flared or non flared style. These are meant for stretched or punched piercing done usually on ear lobes and enlarged nose.

For more info, please visit here: